Jet Puppy Unleashes Rock and Roll Frenzy with Debut Single 'Shake, Rattle and Roll'

Fri Jan 26, 2024

Jet Puppy, a dynamic and highly entertaining rock and roll band from Toronto, Ontario proudly announces the release of their debut single, “Shake, Rattle and Roll” – Check it out on YouTube here:

With its catchy and nostalgic up-tempo beat, "Shake, Rattle and Roll," is a vibrant ode to the heyday of rock and roll. The band's commitment to preserving the joy, exuberance, and timeless sound of North American popular music is evident in this track, flawlessly embodying the essence of both rock and roll and rhythm and blues. Alec “Ears” Pham engineered the band’s live sessions which proved to be a revelation, making the band’s positive and shared aspirations crystal clear.