Tom Rush Garden Old Flowers New

Fri Mar 29, 2024

Tom Rush, is an American treasure credited by Rolling Stone as ushering in the era of the singer-songwriter.

Although he wrote his own songs he was the first to record songs by then unknown talents like Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne and James Taylor helping them gain name recognition. Tom was looking for material to make an album when he heard some songs by Joni, Jackson and James that spoke to him and that he found refreshing and different from the more traditional folksongs of the day , lyrically and musically. “. I wasn’t looking into usher in anything – I was just looking for some songs. “

Fast forward a bunch of decades and Tom Rush is still out there paving roads and entertaining as only he can, and has released a new album, his first in five years.

“I want to thank Matt Nakoa for prodding me into making this happen. I think he got tired of hearing me say that maybe someday I would make another album and went ahead and booked a studio, some brilliant players and here we are.”